Northbrook UMC has numerous ways to get involved in service to our church and community, whether it's a one-time commitment or an ongoing role. Here are current ways you can get involved:
Loving the Community
Dedicate Flowers in Worship Honor a loved one or commemorate an occasion with altar flowers. Also, the Flower Ministry needs volunteers to join the Monday rotation of repurposing flowers, become substitute Monday deliverers, and drop off small vases to the church kitchen. Click Here to Dedicate Flowers and Contact: Emily Johnson Usher or Greeter Help other feel welcome on Sunday mornings. Ushers and greeters are needed on Sunday mornings. Interested? Contact: Allen Whittaker. Music Ministry at Northbrook There are a number of opportunities for adults, including Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, the "A-Men" (men's choral group), and the modern worship band for The Brook. Questions? Contact: Chad Hunt Make Dinner for Young Adults Support our young adults by bringing dinner to their small group Bible study. This group is for college aged twenty-somethings and recent high school graduates just starting their professional journey. Dinner should be for about 8 people and dropped off by 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Contact: Auriyan Tillman Click Here to Register Provide Dinner for Northbrook Students this Fall Supporting our young people by bringing them a meal on Sundays this fall. Drop food off in the Summit youth area or to stay and eat with our students. Plates, cups, utensils, and ice are provided. Dinner is for 12-15 people. Click here to Register |
Serving the World
Northbrook's Dream Weavers This group is seeking donated plastic grocery bags to be turned into sleeping mats for those experiencing housing insecurity. Bags can be left at the donation center on the Portico. Contact: Nan Richards Serve with Drake House We need a parent advocate to bless and support a mother and her child, which includes weekly check-ins and offering community and support. Contact: Andrea Youngstrom Serve with Trinity Table We will be making and serving meals at Trinity UMC in downtown Atlanta on a regular basis. Please reach out to discover how you can support this ministry. Contact: Andrea Youngstrom Serve with Family Promise Family Promise provides housing at local churches for families with children experiencing homelessness. Volunteers help cook meals and provide support. Contact: Pat Dodge or Jill Johnson Serve with Society of St. AndrewsThe Society of St. Andrew runs volunteering to glean at the Woodstock Farmer's Market once a month. Use the link below to sign up and help this wonderful organization. Contact: Ed Sircy Click Here to Register |