Thank you for worshipping with Northbrook.
Worship is an indispensable element in our journeys of faith. When we gather together, in person or online, we remember the work of God in the world as well as the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The Spirit leads us to respond to God through song, prayer, testimony, giving, and sacrament. We worship as a community to share our experience of God with others and be encouraged by their faith.
You can view August 25, 2024 11 a.m. traditional worship service on our YouTube channel.
You can view August 25, 2024 11 a.m. traditional worship service on our YouTube channel.
What to Expect at Worship
Most Sundays, we have two opportunities to worship together: The Brook, a modern worship service at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, and a Traditional Worship in the main sanctuary at 11 a.m. We sing a lot, because we believe music is an essential part of our faith and expression of our love for God. The Word of God is preached typically in the form of a sermon given by one of our ordained clergy or pastors. The message is the same for both worship services and is the result of the preaching pastor's own study and reflection of the selected passages for the day. We also include a children’s message each Sunday, in both services, inviting children to come to the front of the church to hear a reflection on the Bible more relatable to their lives.
Modern Worship
The 9 a.m. Sunday Worship, the Brook, is a much more casual experience than you might find on Sundays at 11 a.m. We have coffee and breakfast snacks and encourage children to be a part of the service with coloring pages and activities that match the message of the day. We have a band and song leaders that rotate, leading us in spirit-filled songs. We serve Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and all people are invited to take communion. Of course in all worship services we take an offering as a way to honor God and support the mission and ministry of the church.
Traditional Worship
The traditional service includes a choir, piano and organ with emphasis given to Christian hymns from our United Methodist Hymnal. The pastors often wear clergy robes and vestments, and the choir is typically robed as well. Often we sing the Psalter and pray the Psalms, and the choir sings about three musical pieces which match the Scripture for the day. Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of the month and all people are invited to take communion. In all worship services we take an offering as a way to honor God and support the mission and ministry of the church. This service is live-streamed and past services are available on our YouTube channel.